Original Flower Collage

I gave myself a challenge recently!  I created three different photo collages using the same hand cut floral images in each. It is interesting to me to see how different they are! The three photo collages together are called Triptych.

You may not know that you can request a print of  any photo collage, on letter size fine art paper. The price for each print is $40 including shipping anywhere in the continental USA. 

Contemporary Art Station is a platform for art collectors to “discover and acquire exceptional new talent.” They accept a limited number of artists for prominent train station exhibitions. An artist, once accepted, submits their work digitally, and it becomes a a billboard poster to line the inside of the selected train station.

I am honored to say my photo collage entitled Life Is A Carnival is currently part of the exhibition in Shibuya Station in Tokyo from March 6-12, 2024! I have images from that exhibition to show you, including my poster, and photos of people in Japan stopping to look at it!

I am proud to tell you that four of my photo collages are currently on display as part of the Suspended World Virtual Art Exhibition by ARTEOM Gallery. We have collaborated many times, and all have been successful.
What I am beyond excited about, is having the same four of my photo collages displayed in Times Square in NYC! Included here is a video and two screenshots to help you identify my work as seen on 1/25/2024.



Today, I decided to rock your world (pun intended) with my latest creation! 🪨✨ I've taken a break from the world of flowers, succulents, and fancy leaves and ventured into the rocky territory. Behold, "The Imperfect Square" – it's like a compass, no matter which way you look at it, you're bound to find something fascinating! 🧭🤔

You see, I believe in shaking things up and rolling with new techniques. Who knew that working with stones could be so...rockin'? 🤘😄 So, here's to pushing my artistic boundaries and hoping you enjoy this geological masterpiece!

Thanks for being part of this rocky artistic journey, and remember, I'll never take you for granite!



I am honored to tell you I have two photo collages being exhibited in Metro Madrid, Spain during the entire month of February 2023! I have worked in association with Contemporary Art Station over the past few years, exhibiting my work with them in several international locations. This one is no less exciting, and I look forward to our future collaborations, which you’ll soon be hearing about!



It's the first day of Spring, and everything is blooming , just as it should be! I think I take most of my flower photos during this season because of the sheer abundance. It signifies renewal, and evokes a sense of hope.

I am excited to tell you my photo collages have been published in 3 new books in 2022. They are:

Contemporary Art Curator Magazine - POWER OF CREATIVITY Art Book

Worldwide Art  Books -  Important World Artists 5

Contemporary Art Station - Art Collector’s Choice CHINA

Also fresh is my brand new Canon printer, and I’m so happy  to have it!  The colors are more vivid, with subtle shade variations of light and dark. I will soon be able to make and sell prints, which I have wanted to do for a long time now. The world is a lot to handle sometimes but, if you can surround yourself with beautiful flowers, succulents or colorful leaves, it helps.  

I wish you peace.


Hello my friends, 

I have very exciting news! I have been awarded my first international art prize! It is from Contemporary Art Curator, an online art magazine with many artists from all over the world. I do this work because I love it, and to receive this commendation  is the frosting on the cake! 

Thank you for following my work, and for encouraging me to create the best photo collages I can, using my own photography. Now I am an awarded artist, and it’s wonderful!


This full page display of 5 of my photo collages will be seen in the August 2021 edition of Southern Times Today (Harbour Publications/UK).  I started with a dream to create, and a method to process trauma, resulting in unique and colorful photo collages. I appreciate this opportunity to extend my artistic presence and influence globally!


I have been waiting to tell you something very exciting - my artwork will be exhibited in Hong Kong from May 15-28, 2021! It is another train station exhibition by Contemporary Art Station, only this time each poster will be billboard size! A limited number of artists from around the globe were invited to participate, and I was one of them!


I have something new to show you! These three collages are combined with the excellent photography of my dear friend, Dawn Pleasant Parker from her visits to Kenya. I love to collaborate with others, and this series of wild animals with flowers is a great example - I had so much fun!! 



Something very cool happened recently. I was invited to be included in a book intended for art collectors in the Middle East! My art is featured on two full pages, so I chose a collage of succulents and a collage of flowers to represent my work. It is always an honor to be included!



I recently saw this generous  post on Instagram, from Brook Hunter a collector in Canada, who bought my artwork. Thank you very much, sbrookhunter! It was totally unexpected, which makes it even better. I love creating photo collages, but it feels wonderful to know I have made someone happy!

S. Brooke Hunter

My journey collecting art and the decorative arts - continuing to experience the visual arts.

I bought this directly from the artist in April 2019. Kat Kleinman is a floral collage artist from the Sacramento, California area. She began her career as an artist in 2016, after she retired as a psychotherapist working with the homeless for over twenty years. How did I find her? Well our prescient friends at Instagram suggested some time ago that I follow Contemporary Art Curator Magazine- thank you! Kat photographs flowers and then cuts them out to create a collage often using hundreds of them in each work. This particular piece was selected by “Contemporary Art Station” for the Passeig De Gracia Station Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain in July 2019. For that month It was represented digitally as a large poster in this busy train station having been selected from among recognized international artists. It was seen by an estimated 1.8 million people every day. And now it delights me every time I go down these stairs!

Happy New Year! I think most people have a sense of hopefulness at the start of a new year, and we need it now more than ever!

I have just returned from a long break from doing artwork, so I could come back with something fresh, and I did! This is my first collage of 2021, and I call it The Ocean Floor, because that's what I see. The succulents are unusual for me, but I will be working with them more often in the future. They have the potential to be very interesting, I think.

May you find what you hope for in this new year!

Best wishes to all,


A year-long online exhibition featuring the  art of a New Era has been launched, and I was invited to participate! I provided Contemporary Art Station with 8 images of my collages for the Exhibition, Facebook, and Instagram, to be published over the next 12 months. It is a great opportunity for me, especially during this time of staying home, and I am very excited! 



Most of the time, artwork flows easily when I am creating a new floral collage. Ideas for colors, shapes and placement  come easily and the collage seems to create itself. Recently, my life has been unsettled (it is 2020, after all), and it became difficult to be happy with what I was creating  - it just wasn’t right, somehow. However, I kept working on my collage and, on the fifth attempt, it was just right!

My newest collage is called Inspiration, because that’s exactly how it all came together. I am sharing my struggles with you because this has been a very difficult year for everyone, but with persistence and patience, we will all find our way. Do not be discouraged when obstacles block your path, my friends. There are often many ways to solve a problem, and it is worth the effort!

I think November will be better, but remember that everything is changing all the time, and nothing lasts forever - even the bad parts!

I wish you well,



Hello, my friends - I have something exciting to tell you!  My work is featured in the Autumn 2020  issue of “Art, Antiques and Gallery Guide,” a respected publication in London!! I was so honored to be invited, and I am more grateful than I can say for this 2-page feature.


I have exciting news - my artwork is being displayed in an exhibition in Tokyo all this week!! Only 40 artists from around the globe were invited, so it is a great honor to participate. These photos were sent to me to show the display of my artwork.

You may already know my work is included in an online gallery based in Paris, called Singulart. They have selected two of my works for inclusion in their Summer Artworks Under 800 Euros collection! It is a gorgeous collection of 69 artworks from around the globe, and I am delighted to be part of it. 


For the fourth month, my artwork has been featured in House & Garden Magazine (London edition)! This month’s collage is called Best Of Friends.

Next month I will have two new international art gallery books to show you, that have included my work! They both did a wonderful job, and I can’t wait to show you.

I hope you and those you care about have stayed healthy during this stressful time. Thank you all for following my work - I truly appreciate you!!



My work is again featured in House & Garden Magazine for April 2020! It is such an honor to be included with artists selected from around the world, in such a prestigious publication.

This is a very difficult time for the whole world right now, and it is a time for priorities to shift. As we focus more on what we can do to help others stay safe, our lives have changed almost overnight. Although it feels strange, there is great love to be found in the emptiness of the streets, as we stay home to protect others. I am grateful for the beauty of the natural world, the very inspiration for my art, and it waits for us as it heals itself.

We may never be the same again, but we can learn valuable lessons. I wish you all good health. Stay safe, and stay home, until we get through this pandemic. And we will!

❤️ Kat


House & Garden Magazine has featured my work again this month for the March 2020 issue of the London edition.This is an amazing  opportunity  to reach many more people with my message of hope for the world! Featured in this issue: Candy (24x36) $750 USD


My adventure to become an artist has held many wonderful surprises for me, and one of them was an invitation to be included in the London edition of House & Garden Magazine! My work is included in the new February 2020 issue, which is a fabulous opportunity to be seen by many new people. Even better, the invitation was extended to cover the three biggest issues celebrating spring, February, March and April 2020! This is a glimpse of what was shown in the newest issue, and I will share photos from the next issues when they are released. It is definitely the start of an excellent year, and I could not be happier!


Stars Light the Way for Social Change in 2020 on Amazon Prime Video’s Second Season of ‘Celebrity Poker Gala’ on January 11th - Tuesday, December 31st, 2019, 4:30 PM EST


I’m especially pleased to tell you I created 7 unique floral collages to be given as prizes at the Celebrity Poker Gala (Season 2) on January 11, 2020 in Beverly Hills. Celebrities will play to benefit the charity of their choice at this exciting event, televised on Amazon Prime.


I am very excited about being invited to be an artist  designer for VIDA! They make a variety of excellent products under ethical conditions. This link will take you directly to my shop, and you can check it periodically to see what I have added. I love designing, and I have been very excited to see my products in person, because the quality is what I care about the most, and you will not be disappointed. If you have feedback for me or ideas for future designs, please send them to me. Thank you so much for following my progress - I appreciate you so much! Visit me at VIDA


I am very honored to be taking part in the second Shibuya Station Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan from 11-17 November, 2019. The first photographs are coming in, and it is clearly another fabulous exhibition by Contemporary Art Station! This is my third  international curated exhibition in 2019, and I truly appreciate the opportunities I have had - it has been an extraordinary year! 


I am proud to announce that I'm a SINGULART artist!

I have been so fortunate on my journey to be an artist, and something new has happened to make my head spin -- I was invited to become an artist on Singulart, an extraordinary artists website based in Paris! To be considered, an artist must be recognized in her own country and possibly abroad. Artists go through a selection process and are approached directly, based on the merit of their work. Authenticity is verified by this fabulous website before an artist can be included. They are the number one online seller of art in Europe.

If you are discouraged by wherever you are in your life's journey right now, please know there is always a chance for life to get better, as long as you're in the game trying -- so don't give up when things look dark. I know those days. The good news is they only feel like they'll be here forever. Everything is changing, all the time. Today I create art for Singulart.... you never know where your path will lead, so have faith! And thank you for coming with me on this amazing path we all walk.

New Exibit in Spain!

I am honored to have had my work selected for the Passeig De Gracia Station Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain! Make A Wish will be represented digitally as a large poster in this busy train station during the entire month of July, and was selected among recognized international artists. It will be seen by an estimated 1.8 million people every day. I realize how many artist are working hard for recognition, and I am beyond grateful to Contemporary Art Station for this opportunity.

This is my newest work, called The Happy Garden, and it's big (32x40 inches)! Lately, several people have made suggestions about little ways to change my artwork, and I have tried many of them. What I found is that, just because something is different, doesn't mean it is better. What I love to do is create very large collages, and I knew at once that this one would work!

Click on the photo for a larger view ----->

I am very excited about the upcoming release of Current Masters 4, a new book  that will go to art galleries around the world. Kat Kleinman Art is featured on two pages, and it looks great! There is big news of my next international exhibition coming soon, so I’ll see you right here for more on that. Until then, go outside and look around — it’s Spring, and it’s spectacular!


Hello friends, I have fantastic news --

Kat Kleinman Art will participate in the Shibuya Station Exhibition in Tokyo on March 5-11, 2019!

It's an incredible opportunity, since only 42 artists will be accepted from around the world. The exhibition coincides with the Tokyo Art Fair, and will attract many additional visitors to the city.

Each artist will have one work of art turned into a B1 poster, which is very large. The posters will hang in the 4th busiest train station in the world, used by 2.4 million people every day.

This is a truly special opportunity, and it is an honor to be a curated artist at the Shibuya Station Exhibition!

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